Element 6 affixed to cultural property 1201354397: inscription

https://w3id.org/arco/resource/Inscription/1201354397-affixed-element-6 an entity of type: Inscription

Elemento 6 apposto sul bene 1201354397: iscrizione 
Element 6 affixed to cultural property 1201354397: inscription 
Informazioni relative ai brevetti 
piastra in ghisa 
Ediphone / Thomas A. Edison / NO. 52206 / PATENT / 1,297,466 / 1,380,486 / 1,615,114 / SERIAL NO. T 279116 / THOMAS A. EDISON INC., ORANGE, N.J., U.S.A. / MADE IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 

data from the linked data cloud

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